Sunday, October 30, 2016

Crawl Interview

I found on the internet, that your first collaboration project was Nothing Scared (Tom Danz, Ron Heemstra, Jason DeJardin and Tim Pantzlaff in its line-up). In the beginning of the 90-ies you had released two demos on cassettes and after that disbanded. Tell us, please, how did you meet each other and became the band?

Tom: A little about the pre-Nothing Scared days...Tim Pantzlaff and I started the band we were Holocaust with a guitarist named Jeff and I believe Jeremy Brown who later went on to Vacuum Scam ...we had a few drummers. Ron Heemstra was a friend from high school. He and I were in our first real band together called Outrage with Phil Doran from Rock and Roll Land on bass. Ron kept telling me about this great guitarist which was Jason DeJardin so Jeff was out and Jason was in then Nothing Sacred was born...we started off playing covers. Metallica, Slayer, Flotsam and Jetsam, and Prong. A few typos in there but you get the idea...

Jason: I met Ron through a mutual friend in a local mall when I was about 17. The band Ron was in with Tim and Tom was looking for a new guitarist and she knew that I played guitar. I made the trip to their rehearsal space and hacked through some songs with them and they asked me to join. It was awkward because the guy I was replacing showed up while we were playing!

Monday, October 10, 2016

DUSK interview

There is no band biography on your official internet resources. Can you tell us about the beginning of Dusk?

A product of Wisconsin's harsh winter climate is Dusk. Six months of overcast, sub-zero weather tends to bring out the feelings of desolate hopelessness. Dusk has chosen to channel these emotions into musical form. Mood, atmosphere and a sense of "groove" are combined into a mournful, aural experience.
Dusk was formed in January 1993 by guitarists Steven Gross and Tim Beyer. Fed up with the brutal rehash that was infecting the death metal genre, Steve and Tim set out to create something fresh. The line-up was completed by Shimron Heemstra(ex-Bleed) on drums and bassist/vocalist Steve Crane.
Live shows with bands such as Cannibal Corpse, Cynic, Morta Skuld, Morgue, Afterlife, Gutted, Broken Hope, Paralysis and Bleed have gone really well. The reaction has been fantastic from show goers and bands alike.

Dusk's self titled EP was recorded in December of 1993 with recording god Eric James. Co-produced by the band and Mr. James, they have embedded themselves into the soil of the underground. This EP shows the direction in which Dusk is headed.